Unity Marching Band FAQ

Q: What is Marching Band?
A. The Marching Rockets are a group of students who play instruments while marching, typically at the High School Varsity football games and at Marching Band competitions.

Q: Can I do Marching Band and other sports/clubs/activities?
A. YES! We have many students that participate in multiple activities. Since Marching Band is a class, you won’t miss any practices. You will need to be present for the competitions (Saturdays) and Marching Band camp (early August).

Q. Does the Marching Band compete? What can I expect at a competition?
A. YES! The Marching Rockets typically compete four times per season, between the months of September and October. Competitions are typically on a Saturday and last most of the day. In 2019, they competed at Danville High School, Monticello High School, Eastern Illinois University, and Illinois Wesleyan.

Q. What is Marching Band camp? When is it?
A. Marching Band camp is held for one week every summer before school begins. Marching Band students are required to attend this camp, typically happening the first week of August. At this camp, students learn the competition show for the school year. It is imperative that all Marching Band students attend this camp, as it can make it very difficult for the entire Marching Band if one person is missing. Plus, this is great way to meet other band students before school starts and its lots of fun!

Q. Besides competitions, when does the Marching Band perform?
A. The Marching Band performs at every home Varsity football game. Members will perform a pre-game show, which usually includes one song, the national anthem and the school fight song. Members also perform during half time, which will usually be a paired down version of our competition show, due to time constraints. The Marching Band also marches in the Homecoming parade. If the football team makes the playoffs and plays at home, the Marching Band will also perform. In past years, this has included performing at the half time of the IHSA Football Finals at Memorial Stadium in Champaign or at Huskie Stadium at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL.

Q. Can I see a video of the Marching Band?
A. YES! Check out our YouTube page with videos of Unity High School music opportunities.

Q. What do my parents have to do?
A. We need parents to help set up equipment and flags for competitions and the home football games. The jobs are not difficult and you can catch on quickly what needs to be done. The best way to learn is to sign up for a job and ask questions of other parents while you are volunteering. Your parents can get free admission to the varsity football games on nights that the sign up to volunteer.

Q. What is a Drum Major? What kind of commitment does it take?
A. Drum Majors are the leaders of the Marching Band. It is an auditioned role. Auditions are typically held in late spring, for the next school year. The director typically selects two Drum Majors. The Music Boosters pays for the selected students to attend a summer camp specifically for Drum Majors. A Drum Major works with the director on building the best show.

Q. What is Color Guard? Do I have to be in band to be in Color Guard?
A. Color Guard is an auditioned group who performs with the Marching Band with different brightly colored flags and uniforms. They add to the visual contrast of the show. Auditions are held in late May for Color Guard. You do not have to play an instrument to be in Color Guard, but you will need to take band first semester as a class. Color Guard does have some rehearsals outside of class, which are typically every other day.

Q. Is there a cost to be in Marching Band?
A. The band camp fee is $75. This covers the cost of dry cleaning uniforms, purchasing field equipment, purchasing props, purchasing color guard equipment, drill production, and additional assistants to help with camp.  The $75 will include the annual Marching Band tshirt for each student. The marching band uniform is provided to each student, and students will need to wear black socks.